CDTA17003 | Learning Management System, Online Teaching, Assessment and Feedback
Designing online assessments using LumiNUS
For NUS Staff
Credit Hours: 1.50
Fee: Free

Assessment is a crucial element in enhancing the overall quality of teaching and learning in higher education. What and how students learn depends to a major extent on how they think they will be assessed (Biggs & Tang, 2007). This fully online self-learning module focuses on the creation and use of assessment and quizzing materials for your modules using LumiNUS. In the course of this session, you will discover how online assessment can be a valuable tool for understanding student learning and for creating a dynamic learning environment.

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:
• create question banks to create assessment questions, quizzes or MCQs;
• set up online tests and quizzes;
• analyse different situations for which an online assessment can be used; and
• identify various approaches to provide timely and constructive feedback.


Kiruthika RAGUPATHI, Associate Director, CDTL
Kenneth Gerard PINTO, Lead Education Technologist, CIT

Offered by the Centre for Development of Teaching & Learning (CDTL)