CDTJ22022 | Peer Assessment , Online Teaching, Educational Technologies
Lunchtime Sharing Series
For NUS Staff
Credit Hours: 1.00
Fee: Free
No Available Class

Marking assignments can be hard, especially when student numbers are high. In such scenarios, providing meaningful feedback to students’ work is often unfeasible. An alternative to teacher-assessment is peer-assessment that can be done via Canvas. Students can assess the work of peers and provide constructive comments. 

In this session, Andre will a) briefly introduce the set-up of peer-assessment in Canvas, b) reflect about design decisions in the context of a course with 900 freshmen, and c) share lessons we learned along the way. Andre will intersperse his sharing with opportunities to do stuff, reflect, discuss and stretch.

After the session, you should be able to

  1. Set-up peer-assessments in Canvas
  2. Describe strategies to make peer-assessment work

Please bring along your laptop.

About the Speaker:

Andre is trained in sport science and health psychology. He is lecturer at the School of Public Health. Here, Andre teaches courses around health, health behaviors and what impacts these. Despite having a strong science background, teaching is his first love. He enjoys designing teaching-and learning-materials for various audiences. On a personal note, Andre has assimilated very well into the local context; you will find him drinking kopi C kosong, eating spicy food and speaking fluent Singlish (Can lah!).