CDTA11094 | Artificial Intelligence, AI, Educational Technologies, AI tools
What can ChatGPT do for you?
For NUS Staff
Credit Hours: 0.00
Fee: Free
No Available Class

ChatGPT and other generative AI tools (Gen AI) have placed higher education at a crossroads. Fears about academic integrity and an over-reliance on AI as a digital crutch have led some to call for the banning of these tools. However, these tools also offer valuable opportunities for educators to enrich teaching and learning, honing their craft and equipping students with the skills and knowledge to be more effective in overcoming new challenges in the age of Gen AI. In this session, we will discuss briefly cover the current capabilities of ChatGPT, with a focus on showing how it can be used for to help us, while also discussing the possible implications and ethical issues that surround its use.


Dr Lee Li Neng, Dept of Psychology